News & Politics

Children living with LGBT Mormons can be baptized although they will be taught that LGBT relationships are wrong

Photo via Affirmation

The LDS Church reversed a 2015 policy that automatically labeled Mormons in same-sex marriages apostates and barred their minor children from being baptized – a rite required for membership in the LDS Church and seen as necessary for eternal salvation. Under the new policy, same-sex marriages are still considered a “serious transgression,” according to a Church announcement, but not definitively apostasy.

LDS teachings on same-sex relationships and transgender identity haven’t changed, but the language around them has shifted. Children living with Mormon LGBT couples can be baptized, as long as parents know that they will be taught that LGBTQ relationships are wrong.

LGBT Mormons in same-sex relationships, or who have gone through a gender transition, live with the knowledge that their lives are condemned by Church teachings. And for LGBT believers, the theological consequences of their sexuality and identity are serious: Mormons teach that families can be bound together for eternity, and LGBT families are not included in that vision.

via The Atlantic