News & Politics

Republicans vote for ‘license to discriminate’ against LGBT parents

Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee have tacked an anti-LGBT amendment onto a funding bill, and activists are calling it a “license to discriminate” against same-sex couples who want to become parents. It’s not out of question that Republicans would actually pass a law like the one proposed. Oklahoma and Kansas passed laws this year at the state level that let welfare agencies discriminate against same-sex couples who want to foster or adopt children. In fact, seven states have already passed such legislation, allowing discrimination even when an agency is funded with taxpayer money.

via Advocate

Many anti-LGBT religious groups operate foster-adoption agencies and insist LGBT people are a moral danger to children. Should the bill win approval with the amendment attached, it would allow those child welfare agencies that receive government funds the option to turn away prospective parents by citing religious beliefs.

Welfare agencies already experience huge obstacles in placing children with prospective parents, with their biggest issue being the challenge to find prospective parents who are qualified. This amendment would lessen the already small pool of qualified prospective parents. Approximately 2 million LGBT Americans are interested in adoption, according to the Human Rights Campaign, and should the proposed amendment become law, this population will remain an untapped resource.

Image via Nola Papa