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Straight homophobic Christian male lives life as a gay man for one year

Timothy Kurek, described himself as once being a “homophobic Christian.” After a friend came out to him, he questioned his faith and the implicated repercussions of being gay. So Timothy decided to live the life of a gay man for a year and write a book about his experiences.

After Kurek ‘came out,’ he says his family was supportive: “My family was very supportive initially. They treated me with the love and respect I expected. I don’t think they quite knew how to react to having a gay family member, but, you know, that was the religious barrier there that we are all kind of captive to.”

Kurek spent time in the LGBT gay areas of Nashville, Tennessee, visiting bars, coffee shops and bookstores, reports the NY Daily News.

Kurek told MSNBC: “…the book itself is not at all about what it is like to be gay, but only about how the label of gay impacted my external life and how those things kind of altered my faith and challenged my beliefs.”

His book will be released in October.

via OpposingViews.com