Advice & Education

Gay families and Barack Obama’s America

Pete Cenedella, founder of If Kids Could Vote shares his frustration with the conflicting laws that affect lesbian and gay parents. Pete has several gay friends who are also parents. He’s watching each family get treated differently as a result of various state and local parameters.

In his latest blog entry – at The Huffington Post – Pete writes, “I live in 2008, in Barack Obama’s America. It is a post-everything world but the laws of the land haven’t caught up with the people. All the characters in this little intro worked hard to get Obama elected. All the characters in this story are hard-working people, strong parents, loving and kind members of their communities. How ridiculous is it that our Brooklyn friends went out of state to get married but are recognized as married by their state, which won’t let them get married, while our New Jersey lesbian friends can’t be recognized and our New Jersey gay male Canadian guy can’t get a green card because he lives one state away from New York and two states away from Connecticut?”