Editor's Pick

More same-sex partners are raising kids in the Bronx than any other borough

A new study finds most gay couples in New York City don’t live in Manhattan – and more same-sex partners are raising kids in the Bronx than any other borough.

The New York Daily News reports on new research released by UCLA’s Williams Institute. The study, which was taken from 2000 census data, found that about 32% of gay couples with kids are raising them in the Bronx, approximately 32% in Brooklyn, 22% in Queens, 9% in Manhattan and 6% on Staten Island.

There are nearly 26,000 gay couples in the city and 62% of them live outside Manhattan. There are more male couples than female couples in Manhattan, but that’s not the case in the Bronx.

Same-sex couples without kids are earning a higher income than their straight counterparts – with an average of $116,540 compared with $79,230. But for those with children, the median household income is 26% lower than for straight parents.