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Groups are beginning to equate African American struggles with LGBT equality. We get stronger from fair-minded support.

There’s a new movement happening that is strengthening support for us. African American activist groups are beginning to publicly equate our struggle for equality with theirs.

In Ft. Lauderdale – where gay men have been subjected to embarrassing rhetoric from Mayor Naugle – Marsha Ellison, President of Fort Lauderdale NAACP, has stood proudly for our dignity against accusations from Naugle about public sex.

At a recent altercation between factions – that took place inside Fort Lauderdale City Hall – Ellison said, ‘’I’m not here to condone or condemn gay sex, this is a hate campaign against gays launched by the mayor.’’

More recently, the Maryland Black Family Alliance was formed as a result the Court of Appeal’s decision to uphold the state’s ban on gay marriage. The group hopes to show support of straight African-Americans for gay marriage as a civil right. And the organization’s members want to show that advocates of gay rights will continue to battle for equality.

Elbridge James, a former lobbyist for the state NAACP and co-founder of MBFA, told the Examiner.com, “We are here to say, ‘No, the black community is not homophobic‘. Civil rights belong to everyone. We are saying no to those who want to bigot us, divide us.”

Sen. Gwendolyn Britt, D-Prince George’s County, said she plans to sponsor a bill that would make gay marriage legal but stipulate that churches can decide individually whether they would perform the ceremonies.

Bowling, who is half black and half white, said her black relatives’ religious views prevent them from accepting her as a lesbian.

One thought on “Groups are beginning to equate African American struggles with LGBT equality. We get stronger from fair-minded support.

  • Anonymous

    I attend an Episcopal church that is about 50%Black and 50%White. Our Priest and Assistant Priest are gay and lesbian respectively and neither is single. Our assistant Priest and her partner have children. There are plenty of GLBT singles, couples and families in the congregation. I’m white and gay and the many of the black members of my congregation have been a wealth of information and support in my personal struggles with being an outcast and second class citizen, as well as a wealth of information on how to stand up for our civil rights. It’s been a blessing to be amongst people who “get it” and it feels good to be able to support others who’ve been marginalized too. I think we have a whole lot to offer each other.

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