
Lesbians are good for kids. Studies show parenting by two moms is just as good compared to heterosexual families.

Parenting by two mothers is just as good — if not slightly advantageous — for children when compared to heterosexual families, a Canadian Justice Department study has concluded.

The most outstanding outcome that can be drawn from studies is that the vast majority of children living with two moms and children living with a mother and father have the same levels and qualities of social competence.

A few studies suggest that children with two lesbian mothers may have marginally better social competence than children in ‘traditional nuclear’ families.

The University of Virginia in Charlottesville completed a similar study in 2004. After 12,000 interviews, researchers found the single most important predictor of the childs’ well being was their relationship with parents – regardless of family type.

One academic said, “What’s really important is the quality of the relationship”.

Authors of the Virginia study write that their findings “provide no justification for limitations on child custody or visitation by lesbian mothers” and “do not support the idea that lesbian and gay adults are less likely than others to provide good adoptive or foster homes”.

Photo: Family Equality Council’s Family Photo Album

One thought on “Lesbians are good for kids. Studies show parenting by two moms is just as good compared to heterosexual families.

  • MammaMia

    I could have told you lesbians are good for kids. Duh!

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