AdoptionEditor's Pick

Hero dads adopt six siblings from foster care to keep them all together

On May 23, 2019, Steve Anderson-McLean and Rob Anderson-McLean – a same-sex couple of 18 years living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — adopted a group of six brothers and sisters who had spent 1,640 days in foster care just to keep them all together, according to Yahoo News.

The men were inspired to adopt the group of siblings after watching a TV segment about another couple that did the same. Soon after, they found a group of six siblings featured on an Ohio state website.

The children — Max, age 7; Nasa, age 9; Selena, age 10; Maria, age 12; Guadalupe, age 13; and Carlos, age 14 — had been in state care for nearly five years.

Steve said, “It was a bad background, a sad story — there was neglect and abuse.” Although the childrens’ birth-parents lost their parental rights in fall 2017, Steve said that upon meeting the kids, “We instantly fell in love. They’re very easy to make smile.”