News & Politics

Trump grants waiver to allow LGBTQ discrimination in adoption agencies

The Trump administration has expanded the power of organizations with and without official religious affiliations to use faith, and taxpayer dollars, to discriminate against others. In many cases, LGBTQ people are the targets.

In response, Shelbi Day, Senior Policy council of Family Equality Council commented, “Allowing child placing agencies to turn away qualified adoptive and foster parents reduces the number of loving families available to the over 4,000 children in South Carolina’s foster care system, and further demonstrates that the Trump administration values a narrow set of religious beliefs over the need to find loving, stable homes for children currently in state care.”

Across the country, similar alliances of religious groups and conservative politicians are working to ensure uphill battles for LGBTQ families trying to adopt. In May, Kansas governor Jeff Colyer signed a bill that legalized faith-based adoption discrimination in the state. The Catholic Church backed the bill, as it has with anti-LGBTQ adoption measures across the country.

via The Georgia Voice