News & Politics

Three same-sex couples can amend kids’ birth certificates

An Arkansas county judge has ruled that three same-sex couples who sued the state for refusing to name both spouses on the birth certificates of their children can get the documents amended to list both names.

Although Pulaski County Judge Tim Fox did not issue a formal ruling for either side – he said the three couples who filed suit can go to the Arkansas Department of Health to change the documents immediately. Fox said he will issue a written ruling, probably in December.

“As much as I would like to announce from the bench exactly what my ruling is, because I don’t know exactly what my ruling is I’m not going to announce that today. The easy part is to amend the birth certificates for the three main couples and that is the order of the court today so that there’s no more delay with respect to that,” Fox said.

Fox went on to say that the state’s argument was based solely on biology. “But I don’t see it that way. I see it as disparate treatment of same-sex couples.”

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via Pride Source