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Two moms: Judge rejects birth mother & gives custody to partner

A Family Court judge awarded full custody of a 6-year old to her adopted mother (l), instead of her biological mom (r), in what is believed to be the first such New York state case involving a same-sex couple. “Love doesn’t just come from biology,” said the NYC adoptive mother after being awarded custody of her daughter.

In this case the adoptive parent, the judge ruled, “is indeed the more responsible parent looking out for the child’s best interests, not her own interests” – while the bio-mom “behaved more as a friend or older sister than a responsible parent.”

Manhattan Judge Gloria Sosa-Lintner said being a biological parent does not give automatic priority over the adoptive parent. This is analogous to a father getting custody of his own child, where only the best interests of the child are paramount.

[via NY Post; Image via Janette Beckman]