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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants marriage equality

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to bring marriage equality to his state. He has steadfastly made it a top issue. His team pushed four organizations to unite this month under one banner and message New Yorkers United for Marriage, as the group is called, and hired veteran Cuomo adviser Jennifer Cunningham as their strategist.

“In our community, we’ve had so many elected officials that talk a good game and don’t deliver,” said one gay supporter. “People are genuinely thankful that the governor has made this such a top priority.”

It’s not that gay and lesbian money suddenly turned Cuomo into a believer on the issue. “You can’t accelerate a commitment that’s already at the top level,” said Cuomo spokesman Josh Vlasto. “He laid out his agenda on the first day of the campaign, including making marriage equality a reality.”