
Uh oh! Homophobic group in Arkansas needs more money to continue assault on lesbian and gay parenting.

The Family Council Action Committee recently sent an urgent plea to its conservative supporters – after the group’s president realized his effort is being defeated in fundraising.

NWANews.com reports that the group fighting for gay and lesbian parenting rights in Arkansas – Arkansas Families First – has raised more money in the past month of operation than the FCAC has since July.

Arkansas Families First was formed to defeat the Arkansas Adoption and Foster Care Act proposed by Little Rock’s homophobic FCAC.

NWANews.com explains that FCAC’s proposal would:

“…prohibit unmarried people who live with domestic partners from adopting children or becoming foster parents. The act would prohibit the state from allowing any minor to be adopted or placed in foster care if the individual seeking to take in the child is ‘cohabiting with a sexual partner outside of a marriage which is valid under the Constitution and laws of this state.’ It would still allow a single person – gay or straight – who doesn’t live with a domestic partner to adopt or become a foster parent.”

Supporters of gay and lesbian parenting include Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, the Interfaith Council, the Arkansas Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Pediatricians and the Arkansas Psychological Association.

Image Source: CBSNews.com

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