Legal & Financial

You and your partner are legal strangers. The Law Center for Children & Families offers plans for gay and lesbian parents.

In most areas of the U.S., it takes the law some time to catch-up to today’s definition of family. As gay and lesbian parents – forming our families – we are cultural pioneers. Most governments have not (or will not) offer security via marriage equality, so it’s our responsibility to protect our families.

The Law Center for Children & Families – in Madison, Wisconsin – recommends that your family take at least the following steps as soon as possible:

  • Work with an attorney knowledgeable in same-sex estate planning to make a Will and/or Trust to dispose of your assets upon your death.
  • Title your assets strategically.
  • Consult with an income taxation accountant regarding how to maximize your family’s allowable deductions, exemptions, and credits.
  • Take out life insurance policies on each other to cover some of the unavoidable tax and probate expenses to which same-sex couples are subjected by virtue of their non-marital status.
  • Execute a Living Will and Durable Powers of Attorney to enable your partner to make decisions for you in the event of your incapacitation.
  • Enter into a Domestic Partnership Agreement and a Co-Parenting Agreement (if applicable) with your partner, so that the two of you decide what will happen if you dissolve your relationship.

Photo: The Law Center for Children & Families