
Proven again: lesbians are good for kids. It’s no surprise to us that kids thrive in loving homes regardless of family type.

With results that mirror those found in U.S. and Canadian studies, new research from the Netherlands proves parenting by two mothers is just as good – if not slightly advantageous – for children when compared to heterosexual families with two parents.

“Children do well in loving families, regardless of whether there are two moms or a mom and a dad involved,” said Robert-Jay Green, director of Rockaway Institute – a national center for public policy and research on LGBT issues.

200 couples with boys and girls – ages 4 to 8 – were included in the study. Half the parents were heterosexual, half lesbians. Child adjustment and parental characteristics were measured by questionnaires, family observations by researchers and diaries kept by parents. Research showed children are better-off if more time is spent with parents.

Earlier this year, a Canadian Justice Department study concluded children of lesbians have the same levels and qualities of social competence.

Research from 2004, at the University of Virginia, showed the single most important predictor of a childs’ well being was their relationship with parents – regardless of family type.